Monday, February 5, 2007

Simply Trusting

My daughter, Rachel, always knows what she wants. And she wants everything.
Sometimes she gets what she wants, and sometimes I say no.

Sometimes I say no because it's a bad idea.

Sometimes I say no because she's asked for 300th time in the last hour.

Sometimes I say no because she needs to not hear yes.

Sometimes I say no because I've got a better idea - because something nicer, a bigger treat, something more fun that she hasn't thought of yet - is in the works.

I'll usually say, "Rachel, just trust me." Of course, then the whining starts. I hold my ground that she's to trust me and usually she's pleasantly surprised.

I think God does us the same way. We ask for things all the time. Poor God. Nine billion and counting on this planet are all asking nonstop for things. Bless me, bless me, bless me, give me, give me, give me, why not, why not, why, why, why, why?

What He really says is, "Just trust me".

In Romans 8:28, Paul said, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." He didn't say it would be good along the way or that we'd like it. He said that it would all work out to be something good. Maybe it is not that we need something. Maybe someone else needs something and God has given us a part of play in working out someone else's good.

Has God chosen you to be part of someone else's miracle? Has He said, "Not now, Just trust me"? Maybe His plans have a better conclusion even though it doesn't look like it from here.

anything but typical

Sometimes the far greater miracle is the victory He brings and the character He reveals when we don't get what we thought we wanted.

-Beth Moore

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