Saturday, February 10, 2007

Getting on with the job

I recently finished reading The Challenge of Jesus by N.T. Wright. I really like the way he writes and his take on matters theological even though I may not agree with his politics. I think that one reason I like reading his works is that he doesn't castigate the reader for being a skeptic. He approaches theological issues from a logical standpoint as well as a faithful place. He makes a leap of faith seem like a step up a staircase. Then he talkes openly about what the church needs to do to share the story of Jesus sacrifice in a postmodern world.

Shaping our world is never for a Christian a matter of going out arrogantly
thinking we can just get on with the job, reorganizing the world according to
some model that we have in mind. It is a matter of sharing and bearing the
pain and puzzlement of the world so that the crucified love of God in Christ may
be brought to bear healingly upon the world at exactly that point. (p189)

You see, for Enlightenment/Modern type thinkers, progress is automatic. If we have more information, the world will be a better place and things will be right.

Unfortunately, the brutality and cruelty of the early and mid 20th centuries produced generations from the 1950s on who are skeptical that anything will ever be better. The prevailing philosophy among my generation and those that follow is that the world is a wicked place and will be so no matter what anyone does or says. Everyone is wicked, everyone's motives are suspect, therefore you have no right to tell me right and wrong since you are also wicked. This makes sharing the gospel to my generation very difficult. While "Jesus Loves Me this I know for the Bible tells me so" might have met the needs of previous generations, it doesn't engage mine at all. The skepticism is built into us like a floodlight looking to shine on hypocrisy and inconsistency, and as soon as those are visible, Christianity is rejected lock, stock, and barrel.

But the church can't write off my generation and the generations to follow. I can't declare my friends and co-workers as unredeemable. God does love them and this I know because the Bible does tell me so - but not only because of that, I know because He loves me and changed my life in such a complete way that I want others to experience that saving grace as well. I want to see my hurting, disillusioned companions in this life to be comforted and healed and loved and saved in this world as well as in the world to come.

I don't have the answer of how to proclaim Jesus to my world. I can be a difficult, skeptical, postmodern spiritual refugee like everyone else. I'm no theologian or ordained and trained person. I'm just a dissident, and sometimes disobedient, Christ-follower. I can't make God logical for anyone.

But I can tell you that how you live matters more than what you say. Compassion is more effective than condemnation. Mercy is more effective than judgement. Integrity is more effective than religious legalism. Sunday Christians don't change our world. It's those who are living out their faith every moment, every day who catch the attention and curiosity of those around us. Our persistence, our faithfulness, and our committment to live His life and do the work our Saviour has called us to do will draw the world to Him.

anything but typical

Everything Impossible by Mercy Me

I was taught to be practical in everything I do
Holding on to what is tangible, and then came You
That's when I found myself so far away from everything I knew
I took a leap of faith
Even though You're difficult for me to explain
I know I'll never be the same

You're everything I cannot see
You're everything I cannot say
I know it all seems so illogical
But that's okay
You're the love You give to me
You're the love I give away
You are everything impossible
And that's okay
That's okay!

All the things that make no sense to me, draw me to You
Like finding freedom by surrendering, can it be true
With everything I can and cannot know
This mystery is bringing life to me
And all this love I have for You I can't contain
I know I'll never be the same

You're everything I cannot see
You're everything I cannot say
I know it all seems so illogical
But that's okay
You're the love You give to me
You're the love I give away
You are everything impossible
And that's okay
That's okay

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